
Hi, I’m Mel.

I’m sharing little ways that I find comfort and balance with a fast-paced, digital career. In a more, more, more society I hope you find retreat and inspiration to strike the balance, too.

My Favorite Dog Products

My Favorite Dog Products

Rescuing a dog has been one of the most rewarding and best decisions I’ve ever made. Mindy, our Beagle/American Staffordshire Terrier mix, is a true joy and brings happiness to every day. Over our years with her we’ve zeroed in on our favorite and most practical items for her.

  1. Leather Collar: we love this collar! It’s cute and neutral and has stayed in excellent shape the whole time we’ve had it (almost 3 years!)

  2. Leather leash: we had another leash for her before this one, but this leash was highly recommended by the trainer we met when we took Mindy to behavioral classes. It helps keep a tight grip and is a great quality.

  3. Travel water bottle: on hot days or a long car ride, this comes in major handy without pouring water into a separate bowl.

  4. Belt bag for walking: I wear this every day when I walk Mindy - it’s the perfect size and keeps my hands free for handling her while toting all the essentials along.

  5. Deodorizing wipes: these are great when she rolls in something or on a rainy day when her paws get muddy.

  6. Water additive: Mindy’s teeth aren’t so great, and this really helps keep them clean.

  7. Snack bones: these are the perfect size to take along on a walk! We never leave the house without treats in case I lose grip of her, and this is just enough to keep her going or to distract her from other dogs passing by.

  8. Furminator brush: this is key during shedding season!

  9. Barkbox subscription: Mindy loves her Bark boxes! They are so fun and festive, but we go for bi-monthly boxes with just treats and chews because the toys were stacking up. But the toys, I must say, are the best toys. They can withstand anything.

SMAL Marketing HQ: A Tour Of My Office

SMAL Marketing HQ: A Tour Of My Office

Stockholm Favorites

Stockholm Favorites