I’m sharing little ways that I find comfort and balance with a fast-paced, digital career. In a more, more, more society I hope you find retreat and inspiration to strike the balance, too.
I wear overalls a lot.
Living SMAL is all about sharing the little ways that I find comfort and balance between my home life in St. Louis, my fast-paced, digital career and my love for mindful time away from technology. In a more, more, more society balance grows ever more important yet so far out of reach as we stay connected 24-7.
SMAL is a Swedish word meaning narrow or thin. More importantly, it’s the focus I took when I laid the groundwork for SMAL Marketing, a digital marketing business I started back in 2015. Over the course of the years as I built my business, I adopted the mantra of simplicity and focus into many other aspects of my life.
I hope my stories help you find retreat and inspiration to strike the balance in your life, too. We’ll never find perfection, but our todays become more enjoyable and less serious when we slow down. In this backwards approach to blogging, my tips are here to encourage you to embrace some white space, find breath, and do less.